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Sorry for the small phone picture! |
Today we were at Costco and he saw a big poster that had a picture of a girl sitting in a hammock. He pointed to it and said, "Oh no, that girl is caught in a net." I could go on and on! He's quite the kid, and he really gets a kick out of it right now when he can make his mom laugh.
Little Ella is still as sweet as ever and sooo much fun right now. She has two bottom teeth now which come in handy since she absolutely loves eating. Steve and I had a bowl of carmel popcorn the other night and were giving her little pieces to eat. After a few minutes of sharing Steve went to set her down on the floor and she started screaming (which is very out of character for her). So he picked her up and she went right back to eating. She is great and expressing what she wants without speaking. Steve and I always laugh and how well she communicates. She will eat anything and has been loving all the fresh steamed veggies I've been cooking up for her from Grandma's garden lately.
She is crawling everywhere and is super speedy. She is also pulling herself up to standing at any chance she gets, even in the bathtub. No bad bonks yet, but I'm sure they're coming.
Here she is doing her showoff trick with dad. We had to get a picture of it since I'm sure she won't be doing it much longer. She gets a face when she's doing it like she know's she's fancy! Well Ella may not have had any bad bonks lately, but Jack had a horrible one last Saturday. We spend the day up at Pineview on the beach. It was fun to take the kids and Tucker and just play in the water and the sand. Both of the kids were in heaven. We didn't take any pictures since we left the camera in the car. We packed in quite a ways so we had to pack light. It's a lot of work to pack 2 kids, a cooler, chairs, etc. Anyway, that night after we got home Jack was up on the counter getting a treat off the top of the fridge (Yes it doesn't do a lot of good to put the treats up high in our house. It just encourages climbing.) He stepped off the couter onto the stool and it slipped on our wood floor and came out from under him. He fell and hit his mouth hard. He bit all the way through his bottom lip and bruised his upper gums above his tooth that hit. It was a really bad fall and I'm so glad it wasn't worse.
He's a very tough kid. I think I have mentioned before that sometimes I wonder if he has nerve endings. He cried, but just for a minute or two. I was a couple feet away from him when it happened and I had a really bad scared mom reaction when I saw it happen, so I know that part of the crying was from me scaring him. He was still spitting blood for quite awhile after he quit crying. We were going to take him to get looked at, but it was Saturday night so we just decided to wait a bit and see how it went. It stopped bleeding and the gash on the front side of his lip was pretty small so we decided he was fine. It's healing up nicely, but almost a week later is still pretty swollen. Well I'm definitely dragging this out so I'll just end with a couple of favorite summer pics from my phone that I saw tonight and wanted to post. Sorry they're small! If I make them bigger they're blurry
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Fun Grandma! These boys love her! |
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Bummin at the pool |
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Just arriving home from a morning jog with Mom. |
I didn't even care that he did this since it occupied him for 10 minutes. Busy little boy! |