Halloween was a highly anticipated event around our house this year. Jack knew for months that he wanted to be a pirate. We thought we would stick with the theme and have Ella be his parot.

That is until my friend let me borrow her daughter's super cute baby chick costume. But Jack was perfectly content with that, seeing as she was still his bird. Jack got a super generic pirate costume that I bought at Costco after discovering that it would be $10 just to buy the patern to make one. Sewing just wasn't the cost effective solution. So I saved myself some time and stress, and believe it or not, Jack didn't care one bit. He did have one small disappointing moment. After we bought his costume we went home and dressed him in pirate attire from head to toe. Hat, eyepatch, sword, he had it all. I held him up in front of the mirror and asked him what he thought. His response was, "I want to be a cowboy". Well, that didn't happen. Steve and I really talked up the pirate costume, and before long he was once again convinced it was awesome. A few nights before Halloween we went to a carnival they were holding at the Rec Center, the Spooktacular. There were games, activities, and trick-or-treating for the kids. Lately with all of the Halloween decor around, Jack has been proclaiming (I think in part to convince himself) that he's not scared of anything. Steve decided to put that to the test and took him through the haunted locker room that was recommended for kids 10 and older. The poor kid came out wide-eyed and white knuckled. It was actually pretty sad. At least I thought so. Steve said the scary guys could tell he was little and kind of left him alone. All except for one guy with a chain saw who chased them and yelled, "I'm going to chop you up into pieces." I'm hoping there's no permanent damage. Ella just hung out like she always does, and looked so adorable. She was the cutest little chick around, hands down! I was sooo glad that Steve decided to be fun and take us to the Spooktacular, because it turns out I spent Halloween in bed, sicker than sick! Steve was such a good dad and dressed the kids up and took them trick-or-treating by himself. Well, he went with our friends, but he took the kids without me. I was literally the sickest I remember being since high school, and it stunk! So Happy Halloween, there's always next year.
Bingham Grandkids (minus our Indiana cousins) on Halloween |
Jack's carving face makes me a little nervous :) |
She kept reaching inside the pumpkin and grabbing bits of pumpkin to eat. |
At least Steve was looking at the camera. |
These two love each other SO much! |