Friday, January 8, 2016

Welcome 2016

 One of my goals for the new year is to be better at recording our life.  So this year I hope to be better at blogging as one aspect of that.  We are always glad for a new year and a fresh start. 

Jack and Ella started their first day of Primary with their new teachers.  This will be Jack's last year in junior primary, which is mind blowing to me.  He is loving Kindergarten and all that the school experience entails.  He is doing really well in school.  He is reading and writing so well, and I love how he comes home and shows me his math homework in French.  He's always been a social creature, and continues to be one.  When I go up to the school to volunteer, I'm amazed by how he not only knows the kids in his class, but also many of the kids in the other Kindergartens.  His favorite thing at recess is playing basketball.  He's growing up so much and is such a good boy.  He is still my  most difficult child to parent.  He is determined and stubborn and smart.  All things that will serve him well in life if we can somehow get it channeled in the right direction. 

Ella started CTR 4 last week.  She loves Primary so much and is so cute to watch in there.  She sings all of the songs by heart and with all of the actions.  She is definitely a middle child.  Always trying to keep the peace with everyone around her.  She is very independent and compliant and sweet.  She is a dream to parent.  It's fun to parent such different personalities.  Ella is always thinking down the road.  The other day she asked me if I would save all of Levi's baby clothes for her so that "when she has a baby she doesn't have to buy as much clothes".  Ella is taking a dance class this year and is doing incredibly well at it.  She is very detail oriented which makes her a great little dancer.  I didn't sign Ella up for preschool this year.  With all of her food issues I didn't want her to constantly be in negative food social situations.  There will be plenty of time for that when she's a little older and understands a little bit better.  She has been fun to have around this year. We try to make it to story time at the library each week and do some things around home to make up for it.  Ella is a true joy to be around.

 And then there's Levi.  He is seriously the happiest guy.  He is 16 months now and is so busy and so fun.  I love that anytime I start laughing he laughs with me.  He just goes around being happy and doing his thing (which is always getting into something).  So I have to stop him quite often from running with knives, playing in the toilet, eating dog food and he does not appreciate that.  He has a head banging problem and always has bruises on his head as a result.  I have tried ignoring this behavior, which isn't working at all, so now am moving on to physically picking him up every time I see it coming on.  It's going a little bit better.  But other than that he is absolutely no trouble.  He is a great eater, great sleeper.  He is talking so much.  Right now he can say mom, dad, Ella, owie, binky, blankie, baba (bottle), me, hi, bus, opey (open), up, and I'm sure there are more.  Owie is my favorite word he says, that and Ella.  He knows the animal sounds for horse, cow, dog, and duck.  He runs everywhere and is so fast.  He now walks down the stairs instead of crawls which makes me so nervous.  He really loves his mom, which is awesome because the other two quite obviously prefer their dad.  Levi is just the best kid and we sure love him.

And lastly a little picture from when we went sledding with the cousins after Christmas.  I got a new camera for Christmas and am very slowly figuring out how to use it.