Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Ella's 9 month well check

Look who is 9 months old and happier then ever!  Here are some things she can do: crawl up stairs, walk along furniture, say da and mom, wave bye-bye, clap her hands, dances when you say "get down girl".  She is growing up too fast but is still, as Jack affectionately calls her, our "little peanut".  Here are her stats:
weight: 15lbs 5oz (5th percentile); length: 27 1/2 in (45-50th percentile); head: 17 in (20th percentile)


  1. OH MY! She is too cute! I need to meet her next time we're in Utah!

  2. She is adorable!! I love that Jack calls her Little Peanut! :) Hope you guys are doing well!
