Between the busyness of the holidays, and the sickness that plagued our home during January, I'm behind on blogging! Here's my feeble attempt to catch up. We had a great holiday season. On the Bingham side, the entire family was around. It was fun to have several occasions to get together.
All 24 of us rode front runner down to Temple Square to see the Christmas lights. As usual, it was so busy there, but still fun see the pretty lights. Jack loved the nativity and Ella just loved being cozy in the stroller. Here's our best attempt at a great family picture :)
Ella and Maggie cozy as can be in their strollers. |
The next night we had a family party in Honeyville and Grandpa and Grandma's house. We exchanged some gifts and had a yummy ham dinner. We also played a few games. Basically just until we had most of the little kids crying. Playing games where not everyone wins is a hard concept for 3 year olds to swallow.
Minute to win it M&M game. Lets just say no one wanted to eat those after the game was finished. |
Christmas Eve we topped off the festivities with our traditional game of bowling. Jack was pretty into it this year, and loved playing the karaoke machine and getting a drink at the bowling alley. I can't remember his final score, but I do know that he chose a green bowling ball (his favorite color) and kept tabs on it the entire game.
Ella loved crawling around and trying her best to crawl out into the bowling lanes. She loved all the attention from her cousins, especially her 6 year old cousin Maisie that was here visiting from Indiana.
Ella, Maggie, Grandpa and Grandma. Ella and Maggie are 4 months apart to the day. |
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