Jack has recently found himself quite taken with my camera and is capturing all sorts of Kodak moments around our house. I was just sorting through my pictures and deleting literally dozens of shots, and I decided to save a few since they were making me laugh. My favorite part of his picture taking is that he thinks every shot is hilarious and quite often says, "that's a tute one." Here are a couple of my favorites! Don't judge, we're just being fun parents.
This one of Ella really is cute! She's still obsessed with the dishwasher (and my purse!) |
The funnier face you pull, the more hilarious Jack thinks his picture taking is :) |
In other news. . . I'm not sure how it happened, but Ella smashed her tiny pinky finger which is literally not much bigger than a toothpick. I remember her crying one day by our entertainment center so I'm thinking it happened then, but I'm not sure. I just noticed one day that it looked like her fingernail was going to fall off. Sure enough, a couple of days later it did. If you are easily upset by gruesome fingernail shots then you should avert your eyes from the following pictures.
It was hanging on by a thread, but I couldn't bring myself to pull it off. |
When it did fall off it was during nap time and disappeared, so I didn't get to save it for her baby book :) |
It has been off for a couple of weeks and has barely, barely started growing back. I already have parent guilt that my baby girl is 14 months old and I have never painted her cute little fingernails, and now I have to add to it that if I do paint her fingernails it will just draw attention to her bum pinky nail. I guess for now the nail polish will have to wait!
Hey, my daughter just had the same thing happen to her nail. Did it grow back ok?