We love the 4th of July at our house! It's Steve's favorite holiday, so I always feel a little pressure to have an extra fun day. This year since it fell on a Thursday, I even requested the night off of work. We started off the day with the Centerville parade. We love this parade! It's the perfect length, and they throw candy. That can't be said about all parades these days.
Ella and Dad scoping out the candy prospects |
She loved collecting the candy, but had it not been for her super nice cousins, she might not have gotten any. She wasn't the quickest :) Immediately eating each piece you collect really slows things down! |
Jack was not his usual self at the parade. He just sat on my lap and complained about how hot he was. We kept spraying him with water and doing anything we could to cool him down, but it wasn't working. About half way through the parade, he felt like he was burning up and I knew he must have a fever. Jack and I left the parade to get him a drink and some motrin. A holiday is never really complete without a trip to Instacare! Later, we went up to my parent's house and he just laid on me until dinner time. That is the ONLY perk of a sick kid. He was so sweet and snuggly.

By evening he was feeling much better so we decided to brave the fireworks with my siblings' families. We always love the Brigham City fireworks. You can really get up close to the action. At one point this year, a spark fell literally close enough to Dusty that he had to lift his leg up. Unlike some of our fellow firework watchers, we didn't stand up halfway through and move our blanket further away. Yes, we were the brave ones :)
Falling ash and sparks will definitely teach you to keep your eyes on the sky. |
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