I am way behind on blogging! I am going to blame it on a super busy December, immediately followed by terrible pregnancy nausea starting January 1st. Here is my feeble attempt to catch up...
I can't believe my baby is two! She has been such a blessing and a joy to our family. She and Jack are best friends, partners in crime, and at times, each others worst nightmare. She is talking so much and has so much personality. Steve tells me that I'm going to need to help him say no to her when she's older. When she sees her Dad in the morning she says, "Dad I miss you." She still loves her babies. She takes very good care of them. She also loves babies in general. Anytime we see one she tells me how cute it is. She loves to sing and can sing the ABC song, I am a Child of God, I love to see the Temple, almost every word, just to name a few. Her other favorite songs are "Buckaroo" and "Horsey, Horsey". She can also count to 10 (from playing a lot of hide and seek with her brother). She is very independent! She loves to put her own clothes on, her own shoes, etc. She is obsessed with the potty and likes going number 1 and 2 in the potty, although mom is not quite ready to potty train her yet. She absolutely loves nursery! She loves to spot helicopters, but is still super scared of the garbage truck.
Here are Ella's 2 year old stats: She weighed 21lbs (1st percentile-that's their way of saying she's not on the growth chart while trying not to cause concern) height- 33.25 inches (34th percentile). We think she is just perfect!
She loved her birthday cupcakes! |
The birthday song is another one of her favorites. She would sing it to herself for a long time after her birthday. |
Once she got a taste of present opening, I had to put the Christmas presents that were under the tree away. She could not help herself. |
She loves this purse. She packs it full of goodies when we are going somewhere. |
She also LOVES this stroller. It is so cute. It collapses and is really easy to push on the carpet. She puts a blanket over top like moms do in the grocery store and tells me her baby is sleeping. |
Even Ella can ride in it! Sort of :) |