Ella had a slip and fall accident the middle of November. I was at work and got a call from Steve. I was surprised since he never calls me at work. I wasn't sure he even knew the number. He told me that Ella had fallen and hit the railing and split her head open. I was able to leave work and meet up with them to take Ella to Instacare. I had a hard time deciding if we should take her up to Primary Children's to have a plastic surgeon close it, but I remember when I worked up there that people would wait hours for a consult at times and I just didn't have it in me to wait. The Pediatrician was able to use dermabond to close it, which I think was a good choice since a few days after she bumped it hard again. I know it would have opened back up if she had facial stitches that have to be removed after just a few days. She'll have a scar for sure, but it's healing up nicely. It just gives her character!
Steve said the worst part was that it was bleeding so much and all going right in her eye. |
Here she is with the numbing cream on. She was not a fan of this part. I was debating getting rid of her binkie around this time (which we have since done) but I'm really glad she had it for this night. It sure helped her relax. |
All better! I still can't believe that she got a head gash before her wild big brother. Who would have guessed? |
Aw, the poor little thing :( What an initiation. I'm glad she's okay!