Monday, February 15, 2016

Ella's Scope

Ella had a follow-up EGD the beginning of February.  She hasn't had one since October 2014 so she was definitely due.  They were basically checking to see if her esophageal biopsies were free from eosinophils (allergic blood cells).  She has been off of all milk, egg, oats, and peanuts since November 2014 so we were really hoping for good results.  

She was really brave and did great.  Primary Children's does such a good job that it really makes things easy for the parents.  We had an anesthesiologist that I use to work with back when I worked there YEARS ago, which was really nice.  He let us take her back to the endoscopy suite and hold her while she breathed the gases and started to fall asleep.  Her GI doctor is a doctor that I use to work with when he was in Medical School, so it was fun to go there and still feel like I had some ties 10 years later.  
She woke up great this time around, super calm and relaxed once we got there to hold her.  The most traumatic part was the nurse tripped over her IV and pulled it out right after she woke up.  There was blood everywhere and Steve said he thought the nurse should have been more careful.  I cut her a lot of slack since I've done plenty of dumb things like that as a nurse. 
We got her biopsy results back, and they were great.  She had 3-5 eosinophils in her biopsies, compared to around 35 last time.  We are scheduled to go see her allergist at his next available appointment (7 whopping weeks later) to discuss the next step, but from what he told me last time I saw him, it will probably be reintroducing egg.  So it will be reintroduce, scope, if it looks good reintroduce another eliminated food, and repeat until we find the causative food or foods (hopefully just one!!!)

 She had this same grumpy expression for the first hour after waking up.  Then all of a sudden she snapped out of it, guzzled her juice, and we were out of there.  She kept talking about what a fun day she was having with Steve and I.  Poor middle child has to have a medical procedure to get any quality one-on-one time.

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